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Price out UpStream for your organization via the handy dandy calculator to the right. Simply input the number of users at your organization, inclusive of any accounts that receive emails from external senders and a price estimate for inbound email filtering will appear.
Outbound Filtering is a configurable add-on service for organizations that deal with sensitive clients or vendors, wherein the risk of an internal user compromise and resultant supply chain attack can be significantly mitigated by use of UpStream’s filters on the sending side in addition to the receiving side. This is an easy way to protect your organization’s reputation and avoid the extremely bad press that comes with these events.
Email Encryption is a separate configurable add-on service for organizations that need to handle and communicate sensitive content as a matter of business, such as Protected Health Information (PHI), Social Security Numbers, loan, mortgage and other financial information information. This service comes with a secure email portal for that content to be transmitted, viewed and responded within that works for both the organization and their external clients. Email Encryption does not necessarily need to be used for all users; just the ones who either regularly deal with sensitive content that should be encrypted, or ones that should be subject to Data Leak Prevention (DLP) policies.
If what you see works for your organization, contact us to receive a formal quote and arrange for a free evaluation period to validate the user count. Onboarding is both fast, easy and can be scheduled at a convenient time to minimize disruption.